Chapter 0 - Who & Why

This tutorial is created for the sole purpose for provide a base document for my training programs. I am releasing it on the net in hope of people find it useful.


I am Mayank Johri. I am a among many things, primarily a student and opensource developer.

Few of my opensource projects can be found at

My history with Python

Till 2005, VB.NET & C were my primary programming languages. In early 2005, due to certain personal reasons, I started searching for my next primary language. My requirements for it were as stated below

  • Opensource language (so I don't have to pay, no licensing issues, no change in language without some workaround for issues)
  • Easy to learn (Never had too much time)
  • can be compiled to exe
  • GUI programming should be possible (wx)
  • Relatively decent execution speed
  • Decent support and usage

After about six months, and trying almost most the programming languages from (, I found that python language suite most of my requirements and thus it became my first choice of programming language.